Wednesday, March 16, 2016

And here I am , one year later.
Well as a status update, I am no longer in the same place. I have moved one rung lower.
I am sure that there must be others too, in a similar situation.
I had a conversation with this spiritual healer the other day, on some random website.
He kept emphasizing on the importance of meditation in life.
I have made many half baked attempts at a lot of things. But this is only habit that I really want to inculcate, for I have a noisy brain, a much too noisy brain.
I have promised myself that I will take only one step at a time. Baby steps that would eventually contribute to a paradigm shift in my life.
Only to enumerate my point,
I was going through data structures and algorithms the otherday and all of a sudden I came across Open Stack.
And in no time I was browsing through the website trying to make sense of it, data structures and algorithm long forgotten.

So new modus operandi: focus on only one thing at a time, if you lose focus , count till 10 and start over
One small step , all towards my ultimate goal.
If you are going through something similar,reach out to me. Sometimes two brains put to the same problem come up with better solutions together.
I will update soon.

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